Sunday, 16 August 2015

Thank You!

Hello Everyone!

In August last year, I set up this blog in order to encourage myself and others to give more frequently, and essentially, raise awareness to as many charities and organisations as possible. Throughout this year and '12 Months of Giving', this blog has seen participation in charity events to facilitating educational workshops in schools, and has achieved not only a 'Making a Difference' award, but an overall spreading of support and kindness to sometimes, complete strangers.

Throughout the last 12 months, this blog has covered ALOT of ground:

1. September - Memory Walk for 'The Alzheimer's Society'

2. October - 'A Night of Hope' for 'World Vision'

3. November - Creative Workshops for 'Anti-Bullying Week'

4. December - Donating to 'Crisis' Charity for the Homeless

5. January - Donating to 'Multiple System Atrophy Trust'

6. February - Donating to 'The Ben Kinsella Trust'

7. March - Celebrating 'International Women's Day'

8. April - Donating to 'Mind' Mental Health Charity

9. May - Giving to Yourself

10. June - A Gift to Celebrate 'Carers Week'

11. July - Volunteering at 'Cancer Research UK Race for Life'

12. August - Raising Awareness to 'Certitude' Charity

Typing out each month's deed one after the other makes me feel so proud of just how much this blog has achieved, and so thankful for all of the encouragement I have achieved throughout the last year. Therefore, I'd like to finish up this post by thanking everyone who has shown this blog support, and for making this project feel so worthwhile, your support has been so motivating and incredibly inspiring.

Be good!

Kizzy :)

Sunday, 9 August 2015

August - Raising Awareness to Certitude

Hello Everyone!

As some of you may know, last month I was awarded the 'Making a Difference 2015' award by London-based charity 'Certitude'. I am sure that '12 Months of Giving' had a big part to play in this incredible honour, therefore, I would like to thank you all for the continued support. As we come to the last 'official' month of the '12 Months of Giving' blog, it is so humbling to have this massive 'Pat-on-the-Back'!

When I received this award, I knew I wanted to thank Certitude in some way, and after spending some time thinking of a 'deed' for my last month, I decided that the best way to thank them was to use this platform that they so generously acknowledged, to raise awareness to their charity and the amazing work they do, as my way of giving back to them, and thanking them for all of their support.

Therefore, this month I am raising awareness to Certitude, a charity that works on the ethos of 'everyone has the right to a good life'.

You can visit Certitude's website here:

Certitude offers support to individuals with learning disabilities and mental health needs, as well as their carers and families, such as confidence building, independent living, and finding employment. They also provide their own opportunities through apprenticeships, work placements, and volunteering roles. Certitude encourage people to find new interests, make new friends, and have fun, as well as offering respite care and short breaks for carers and families. They also work closely with local authorities, communities, and others involved in delivering support to individuals and their families.

In my experience and close relationship with learning disability and mental illness, there has been several occasions where I have felt frustrated with the way in which individuals who need support have been 'dealt' with. I think it is important to acknowledge that many authorities and managing bodies  work to a strict and specific procedure, putting it down to the high volume of individuals and not enough resources. However, I am sure we can all agree that everyone is unique. Each individual's needs, abilities, and progression is specific to them. Therefore, I am extremely thankful to Certitude for priding themselves in not working to a formula, and for treating each individual in a way that suits and is beneficial to them, in order to support, guide, and give aid to them in the best way that they can.

If you have not already, I strongly encourage you to spend some time on Certitude's website and educate yourself about the amazing work that they do, as personally I believe it to be so encouraging and without a doubt, incredibly inspiring.

Lastly, I would just like to thank everyone at Certitude again for this amazing acknowledgement, and more importantly, making it their aim to work alongside individuals, their carers, and their families, in order to help them by carrying out the amazing work that they do, and enriching the lives of many.

Be good!

Kizzy :)