Tuesday 30 December 2014

Donating to Crisis! - Donating to Crisis Charity for the Homeless!

Hello Everyone!

Firstly, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and that you created amazing memories with your loved ones! 

As many of you know, my 'good deed' for this month was donating to Crisis charity for the homeless, ensuring a homeless individual recieved this charity's amazing support this Christmas! 

Within my last post, I listed the services that are offered to individuals who attend Crisis at Christmas time, and will hopefully continue to use it throughout 2015. 

On this note, I thought I would share with you this link of an Art student from Preston who raised money for a homeless individual this month: http://www.theguardian.com/education/2014/dec/17/student-raises-thousands-of-pounds-for-homeless-man-who-offered-her-money

This story is something you have probably already seen, but something I feel cannot be shared and talked about enough. When reading this article, I was not only touched by the amount of money people had donated to this cause, but more by the intial act that triggered this fundraising. What I find amazing and so heart-warming about this story is the fact an individual who recieves so much prejudice and judgement offered money to another individual. Now the amount of my amazement may be considered shallow or judgemental of such a character, but nevertheless I love and respect the fact that this individuals situation had not succeeded in willing him to become bitter, something I think we would all somewhat expect and forgive him for. It is acts like these that speak volumes to society, and I respect this man for simply being gorgeously human. Learning about his kind character within this article, I am so thankful that he will now receive the support he deserves, along with a chance to rebuild his life.

Thank you all for your amazing support this year, and I plan to continue '12 Months of Giving' in 2015 with even more 'good deeds.' I hope your plans and goals for this new year are ambitious, and I will see you again in early January to let you know my 'good deed' for the month.

Be Good!

Kizzy :) 

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